Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
I saw Inception in the theater and loved it (except for the similarities to Matrix).
What did you think?
DiCaprio is going to be remembered as one of the greatest actors of his generation. I haven't seen all of his movies, but that kid can act the **** out of movie roles.
I dig movies where you are forced to keep track of whats going on, or you are just lost (Primer takes this to such a level, I think it may take 2 more viewings to understand it all).
Some of the plot devices in Inception were a little strange, like how they come back up levels in dreams, and the whole 'heading into limbo' thing was a bit weird, and using the Defib machine after it appeared the guy was dead for a while was a stretch. But the suspension of disbelief is a pre-req for movies like this.
I liked it, but not for the special effects, or even the plot of story. I liked it more for the depiction of his emotions in regards to his kids and wife. It reminded me of Jacobs Ladder and Romeo Is Bleeding in that respect. Movies that can evoke a real emotional response from me are my favorites.
DiCaprio has moved right up there as one of my favorite actors along with Gary Oldman and Harvey Keitel.