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Old 12-06-2011, 07:38 AM   #49
Don't knock the Ash...
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Default Re: New York Mets 2012 Banter

Originally Posted by mase View Post
Life as a Mets fan for the next couple of seasons is not going to be very pleasant.
Originally Posted by jonumberone View Post
Nine great years?
A game 7 loss at home to the cards
Epic back to back collapses to miss the playoffs
And an injury plagued career.

If anyone should be thanking Jose Reyes, it's me!

Thank you Jose for helping this team become a laughing stock of the New York sports world.
Thank you Jose for making the Mets the 4th best team in the NL East and maybe even 5th best
Thank you Jose for the endless supply of hamstring jokes I got to tell
Thank you Jose for having your final moment in a Met uniform be leaving a game in the first inning after you bunted for a hit,
and showed more concern for your batting crown then the Met Fans who came to see you play

Dom...thank you for making me not type all of the above!!

A Priest, a Rabbi, and a New York Met walk into a bar. The Priest says, "I'll have a shot of Glenlivet, please.". The Rabbi says, "and I'll have a glass of Mogen David Wine, please". The Mets player starts to order, but then falls off of the barstool, tears his ACL and dislocates his shoulder.
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