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Old 12-04-2011, 07:27 AM   #1
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Default do you eat or drink anything while smoking?

So I was in my local B&M the other day and got to talking to an older gent as we sat in the lounge smoking. I noticed that Avery couple puffs he was putting a chocolate chip in his mouth. I finally had to ask. He told me that he doesn't chew them, just lets them melt under his tongue and that it takes some of the edge off the more bitter sticks he likes. At the time I was smoking a Cain Nub Habano and tried it. Yes it took some of the edge off, but the flavors didn't seem to work together. I tried it again at home the next morning with a tabac especial cafe con lechery and it was really good....

Another Guy I have seen brings in a small flask of brandy and dips his cigars into it as he is smoking... tried that once, but didn't lie the soggy smoke...

So I got to thinking, what do others do? Is there any combo of food or drink that makes your smokes come alive for you? I normally have a mug of coffee with my morning cigar, and I find that on some of the stronger ones at night a coke or the like makes them better on the finish.
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