Originally Posted by yourchoice
Hey Andrew. I'm a builder/contractor and I, for one, would appreciate the phone call to the office like you made. If it's a large corporate builder (Ryan, Pulte, etc.) calling the office may fall on deaf ears. I like the suggestion of speaking to the site superintendent as he should better be able to control the situation. Maybe the office would be willing to give you his cell.
If the second call to the builder doesn't take care of the problem, then I agree, the building inspector would be the person to call. It might not be a formal complaint coming from him/her, but that's who the builder has to deal with on a regular basis and would be the last person they would want to piss off.
The tricky part will be when one subcontractor finishes and the next one sets up shop. Hopefully they communicate to each sub.
Good luck, brother.
I have a feeling that is the situation. The first time it was the guys digging the foundation, this time it's the guys putting in some kind of pre-fab basement wall structure.
I want them done as fast as they want to get it done but I am just not comfortable with building materials being leaned against the side of my brick house or my wooden fence. This is the most expensive thing I've ever bought and it has to last me 30 years so I can pay for it!
Like I said I don't want to be a jerk which is why I was curious if I had a legitimate gripe.