I got to play the last 2 beta weekends. Sadly I think that may be it for us weekend testers
My computer is FAR from a gaming computer and it handled the FPS mostly well. lower than realtime, yes... affecting my gameplay, no.
Intel Q6600 quad core clocked at 2.4ghz, Radeon HD 2600 XT, 4gb RAM
Likewise I experienced ZERO lag the whole time, which was impressive given that my internet is country DSL that tops off at 220kB/s on a good day. (that's combined up+down speed)
Finally on the subject of bugs... I had none. It ran smooth as a normal release for me, no issues except for slightly glitchy server selection wait timer.
I played a bounty hunter and a smuggler on the tek/trak something like that server.
Will I buy it? I want to.... not so sure I'll have the time to play it enough though...