Originally Posted by Apoco
I hit level 48 last night. I finally realized that you unlock the new shouts by actually spending the souls. I thought that they unlocked when you hit a certain # automagically (it says something like "Renew: 30" - turns out that is 30 SECONDS until you can use it again. I'm a moron.). Been having lots of fun with my new found abilities
I'm at 96 archery, maxed out sneak, maxed out pickpocket, maxed out smithing, 85 light armor, and I just hit the 100,000 gold achievement.
I play this game way too much.
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ya know I'm actually having trouble raising weapon and armor skills. 1h, Archery and Light armor are all in the mid-late 50s.
Things just keep dying too fast
After getting trounced by a couple giants early on (right outside Whiterun) I've been avoiding them like the plague. Last night I finally decided to knock off a couple of the giant bounty tasks I had. Snuck up, THWAP, dead. Orcish dagger with flame dmg on it. I just stood there and blinked a couple times, then spent an hour or so giant hunting.