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Old 11-28-2011, 09:35 AM   #395
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Default Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2011

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
I am with you, man, you have seen my end of it, too. The other team's fans talking **it for weeks and
then just not able to come to grips with it after they lose. Better for you, though, because you are
not half the pric& I am so they didn't come after you AND your team, but I have watched the
cocks have to deal with their rivalry/dominance issues this season as well. It was kind of unfair, in that
we all respond poorly when our teams lose, but this year it was more sharp-ended than usual. I guess
it's because everyone hates LSU. Or maybe pre-season polls ought to be outlawed. But you want to
see real $hit-talking? Watch when we beat bama twice. Then they will say "That's only 1-1. This won't be
decided until the SECOND rematch."
What Will You Say If We Win, Brad?
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