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Old 11-17-2011, 01:04 PM   #701
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Okay I have a couple questions for you pro pipers.

I use to smoke a pipe a few years ago, the pipe cost me about $75 if I remember correctly I would just go grab whatever cherry like flavor they tobacconist sold and enjoy it. I broke it and decided to quit rather than replace it. Now I am considering starting it up again as a way to enjoy a nice short smoke. My wife prefers the smell of pipe tobacco to cigars so that is a plus.

This "cherry" tobacco I was buying, is it comparable to infused cigars?
Is it completely flavored and unnatural?
Does good natural tobacco put off an unappealing aroma to a non-smoker?
In other words if I am smoking what you would consider good tobacco will my wife think it stinks?

I realize now, I know nothing about what I was doing back when I tried this hobby.
Aromatics may or may not contain quality tobacco as their constituent base. The flavors of cherry/rum/maple/fruitloops/etc.. are all acheived by a "top note" flavoring added to the tobacco. Pipe tobacco as a general rule does smell much better than does a cigar - at least to the non-smoker. However, English blends will piss people off like nobody's business.

Originally Posted by WittyUserName View Post
So, I am new to the whole pipe thing but looking to pick up a couple corn cobs and some tobacco. I guess my question would be, is there a "starter kit" (pipe, tool, cleaners, tobacco) that can be purchased somewhere. I am limited to online purchases only for the pip itself. The NEX here sells some pipe tobacco, the normal super market/right aid stuff. Thank you in advance for the advice and direction. Also, I will do my best to never say the dirty "P" word.
Personally, the "normal super market/right aid stuff" is (in my own opinion) substandard tobacco and should be avoided. Most of it gives me tongue bite like nobody's business. I don't know, but I'd guess that if you go to and then call them after looking some stuff over, that they'd fix you up a "starter kit" to you specifications.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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