Thread: Budgeting?
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Old 11-16-2011, 05:12 PM   #30
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Default Re: Budgeting?

Originally Posted by Drez View Post
the way i look at that is if i make my coffee at home and take a cup to work thats 3 bucks i save at starbucks or if you eat at home thats 7-10 bucks you saved from getting fast food.
Was just about to post the same sorta deal.

In order to make some room in the ol budget for smokes I generally never eat out, and curb my drinking(I have a beer or two every now and then). That said with work and class constraints some times I'm forced to grab a bite somewhere out of lack of time to cook. And then I wallow in my tears as I think of what stick that meal could have bought me.

Also, I generally know how much free cash I'll have available right after I get my paycheck, I go ahead and budget that stuff out so I don't over spend. That said, I have managed to learn a good bit of self control by not walking out of work with another stick or two, I typically only restock with a 5er at most from work once a week.
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