Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
Guys, JD,...thank you for the kind words! It definitely is not easy and takes time out of our week. The "Mic", Lady M, and myself really do it mostly because we love what we do and enjoy sharing that fun with anyone who will listen.
When I listen to some of the other shows i can't help falling asleep in 10-15 minutes, so we try to keeping it moving with a variety of segments. While 1 or 2 might not be your favorite, the other 4 or 5 are great.
The quirky girls singing (which neither is Lady M) we thought was a little funny....those will probably change soon...
As far as the commercials....we are not sales we didn't waste time getting a multitude of advertisers. We got them as quickly as we could. The downside of that is the same commercials will play every week (through the next 19 shows) While it may be repetitive....these are the companies who supported the show and made it possible for us to air. There are over 30 brands advertised, so i am not sure why anyone would feel it is slanted towards any one brand. I hope the companies who supported the show get as much exposure as my opinion the rightfully deserve it.
All in all, thanks guys for the feedback. your input will help us continue to find ways to improve the show for your entertainment!
Best Regards,
Abe Dabaneh
Smoke Inn
KMA Radio