So for S's & G's I bought one of those Don Carlos Presidentes last night and fired it up this afternoon after class. Wanted to find out how a gas station Don Carlos tasted
Pre-light it smelt horrible. Mixture between hookah and urinal cake. Some chocolately hints but otherwise nothing cigar-esque. The wrapper was ugly as sin and covered in splotches and many, many veins. Felt extremely dry to the touch but clipped well and smoked cool.

The aroma was wonderful and it held a crazy long ash; but that's about the only positive things I can say about this cigar. First of all, it was the mildest smoke I think I've ever had in my life (on the order of macanudo). I've never had the Presidente before, but I have had a few #3's and #4's and I dont ever remember them being this mild. In addition, all the DC flavors I remember were absent; no sweet-woody-cameroon goodness; just a harsh rubber taste that stayed there the entire way. The ash was yellow and black and not pretty at all.

Then about halfway through the ash fell and this happened-What the hell is this? Two wires hanging out? lol. This stick just keeps getting worse and worse. Who knows what the hell I'm smoking.

I'm still pretty green when it comes to cigars and I've still got a whole lot to learn. but I've had a couple DC's and this tasted like none I've ever smoked, or any Fuente at all for that matter. Instead of a mild/medium complex smoke I got a one dimensional overgrown Marlboro light. Maybe this guy's Fuente supplier is the same guy who supplies the straw markets in the Bahamas with EL 2007 Glasstop Cohiba Barberpoles lol.
I'd be interested in hearing what you experts on here think (I'm looking at you bear lol)