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Old 11-14-2011, 11:37 PM   #10
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Originally Posted by MrWolf55 View Post
Ok so this is completely irrelevant to Amra's but I was driving down Hillsborough street today and stopped at College Beverage Mart (You know, NC State's most rundown and shady convenience store and home of the $79 keg of keystone light) and while I was waiting to check out, I notice they had a 'humidor' next to the condom/lubricant aisle. Well imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw it stocked full of Dutch Masters, White Owls, oh and two sealed boxes of FFOX Lost City Toros. Oh and some boxes of Don Carlos Presidentes, Hemingway Short Stories, and some cabinets of Davidoff's. All sitting next to the magazine rack with the latest issues of Black Tail Magazine and Penthouse. My only guess is that the owner of the store is a BOTL with a sense of humor. Most random thing I have ever seen in my life.

If you want a laugh, see it for yourself. I wanted to take a picture, but the old indian lady running the counter was giving me the stink eye.
Whelp, I know what I'm doin before work tomorrow.
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