Originally Posted by ApexAZ
Okay thank you all.
Last question for now. I was reading that you should dedicate pipes to certain blends. Aromatics in one, naturals in another, flavored in another, etc.
If a cake is not possible, or unecessary in a cob, do you need to reserve it for particular blends of tobaccos like you do with briars? I got some cheap 'bargain' tobacco that might be good for breaking it in, but not if it means limiting the pipe to cheap bargain tobacco for the life of it.
Thanks for your help!
Lots of questions - great.
I have one for you. Have you ever smoked a pipe before? Do you know you will like it? If not, then you're putting the cart in front of the horse.
Briars will absorb flavor, they will take on the characteristics of the tobaccos you smoke, but it won't happen with one bowl (neither will it with briars).
If your are going to smoke Virginias (or VaPers), which have very subtle flavors, if you smoke them in pipes which have been heavily smoked with either Aromatics or English blends or heavy Orientals, you will not get all the subtleties of VAs or VaPers - that is why you dedicate pipes. Also, if you don't want your English blends to taste like Fruit Loops, then don't smoke them in pipes that you have smoked Aromatics in.
If you are experimenting now, it isn't a problem.
If you take this up as a hobby, then you will need to consider some things.
I keep 3 pipes specifically for Virginias. I keep another 4 specifically for VaPers **and** Virginias. I have another 2 pipes that only get English blends, but if I'm not to concerned about getting all the subtle flavors, I will also smoke VAs and VaPers in them. Then I have a couple more pipes that I really don't care what I smoke in them - aromatics/English/VAs/VaPers - but I also know that I may get a cacophany of flavors that have ghosted in that pipe, it is a nice change of pace.
In sort, you don't want to smoke Virginias in pipes that may be ghosting flavors from other heavy bodied/flavored tobaccos for that would cover up flavors that might otherwise be tasted in a blend.
If you want to experiment, get a few cobs - dedicate them to the different types - then, after smoking a couple dozen bowls of the aromatic, try an English blend or a Virginia in that pipe just to see how the flavor changes in a pipe that is ghosting stronger flavors.
Oh, if you smoke a 30 bowls of an aromatic cherry blend in a pipe, and then smoke an aromatic rum blend in it, expect it to taste like cherry rum.
Just saying....
Peace of the Lord be with you.