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Old 11-14-2011, 05:24 AM   #682
Mister Moo
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by ApexAZ View Post
I was wondering if the information on breaking in and caring for briars is interchangeable with corn cobs?
Not entirely. Cobs don't "break in" by building cake like briars; they just taste rotten for a few smokes until the pine shank chars out and the corn taste, if any, goes away. Cobs don't need to get caked up. Also, after cleaning a dirty stem, most people* would not leave their $11,000 Teddy Knudson flame grain sitting outside for a couple of days to air it out; this you can do to good effect with your $11 cob.

* I am not talking about the people with that IHT kind of money, but most of us.
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