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Old 11-10-2011, 01:40 PM   #76
Sultan of Cigars
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Default Re: JoePa.....Sad if true....

Originally Posted by Wanger View Post
Paterno and McQueary are morally guilty (maybe even more for McQueary). Should McQueary have bashed in that monster's skull the second he saw what he saw? Likely. Should he have gone to the authorities, instead of just his boss? DEFINITELY. McQueary's dad and Paterno are at fault there. He told both of them at least some version of what he saw. Were I either one of them, I would have personally escorted him to the police station to have him tell his story there. Plain and simple. That is the step that Paterno truly failed at. If someone told me they saw someone doing something inappropriate with a minor, my first question would be to ask if you've reported it to the police. If the answer was not "yes" my keys would be in my hand and we'd be out the door immediately.
I just can't wrap around my noggin the fact that a 28-year-old man's first reaction to witnessing something like that is to call his Daddy. All I know is that's a burden he's going to have to carry with him for the rest of his life...
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