I've been busting my ass to try to curb the astrea starfish issue with little to no results. It's like if I cut one head off, two appear. They are EVERYWHERE.
While they don't seem to cause any damage to the coarls, they'll crawl all through them and irritate them into staying closed.
I'm planning on getting one or two harlequin shrimp. All they eat are starfish. I figure there's more than enough reproduction here to feed two forever and they may hold the population in check, yet leave enough to feed them. I have tons of rock so there's a never-ending supply of stars on the undersides that will crawl out and present themselves for dinner.
I have two other shrimps in there nopw, I can't think of the names of either. I think one is red and gold strped down it's sides, the other is a goirgeous blood red with white spots.
I am worried they'll fight, but not enough that I'm not willing to give it a shot.