Thanks for helping out, Pete.

I've been singing this song as loud as I can, that it doesn't make any difference what anyone can give, it's the giving that matters. The items folks donate don't have to cost anything at all.
I hope some folks will donate some more stuff like your lighters. That way everyone will get a chance to play and have a real good chance to win.
I've just about tapped out trying to get the basement loaded up with troop goodies and all the supplies I need to get started. I've been helping my brother get on his feet, and that's taken a huge toll. I don't know if I'll even have room left to bid at this point, much like yourself.
If it works out and I do get to bid, great. If not, that''s cool, too.
I can still get some stuff up there, and that'll make me feel good, just like you said.