Originally Posted by jcruse64
Good Grief!!! A win is a win, but WOW!
Yeah, I know you'll tar the holes....it's too early to say anything for sure, but UK will likely have its hands full with the 'Heels this time.
On the NCAA, yeah, it could be debated for pages. Not sure I prefer their rules though. There is SO much money in football and basketball now, and all on the backs of the students playing these games. I cringe to see high school games shown on The Worldwide Leader; just more money and opportunity for shenanigans.
A) - Wow, indeed. The Logans need to show some claws once the season starts, or you can scratch them off.
B) - If the Wildcat freshman live up to their hype, that #1/#2 matchup will be a toss-up war.
C) - Shenanigans aside, I find too many people confused by the "big money" question in college athletics. True, some schools make money on football and basketball, but many just break even. And what "profit" schools make from the sports that generate revenue is normally spent, and then some, on other athletic programs. What school makes money on fencing, wrestling, gymnastics, swimming, track and field, tennis, field hockey, or even soccer and baseball? If "profits" from hoops and the gridiron are funnelled elsewhere, the only two options schools are left with are to either cut non-generating sports or raise student fees. I don't like either of those choices.
Originally Posted by BryanB
Hopefully it will be an up year for the ACC. Of coarse the top dogs will be good but hopefully FSU and Miami will step up.
Posted via Mobile Device
Aside from UNC, Duke, and maybe Florida State, I can't see many other ACC teams making much noise, sad to say. I do think maybe three more earning at-large bids come March, yet I'd be surprised (pleasantly) were any of them to survive for the second weekend. Next year may be different however, as the Wolfpack has managed to scarf up several top-notch recruits.
Though the action does not kick off in earnest until Friday, there are a few REAL games slated tonight:
Willaim & Mary vs. St. John's = This could be one hell of a game. Wm.&Mary has a decent mid-major program, and the Johnnies are already facing some "personnel" problems which might retard the progress they made last year.
Eastern Kentucky vs. Mississippi State = And this might be decent too. The Colonels are not total cookies, and the Bulldogs are facing some "personnel" problems of their own.
Valparaiso vs. # 16 Arizona = Valpo's day in the sun has long set, so despite my reservations about the Desert 'Cats I can't see this one lasting more than a half. But if it does, the rest of the Pac-63 may take heart.
That's not a lot, but it's more action than you'll see in the NBA tonight.

So pull up a chair, pull on a beer, and enjoy.