Originally Posted by madwilliamflint
Here's something.
I dunno if there are any WoW heads, but I figure there are probably a couple around who just aren't admitting it in public. Fair enough.
They just pinged me wiht a deal on Tuesday wherein if I pre-paid a year, I'd get a free (as in beer) copy of Diablo 3, guaranteed expansion beta access (meh), and some in-game gotsy somethingorother.
I dabble in it just enough that the net price break ('cause let's face it, I was gonna get Diablo 3 no matter what) pushed me over the edge.
Can't find the link in any of the sites I can get to here from work. But I'm sure it can't be too hard to find.
You...you just gave me a logical reason to renew WoW...
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