Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
I agree to a point, I don't mind the focus on society and the downfall of economics as a whole, I just think they have gone to far into personal relationships in an attempt to develop the characters. I just don't like the love triangle and the searching for a missing girl for three episodes. I really love the show don't get me wrong, I just like the horror/action to be split with drama more like 50-50 than the current 20-80 it feels like now.
Sometimes I get the feeling they wrote one season and are stretching it out over three.
How can you accurately depict a small society/group as a whole without first understanding the characters and their relationship with each other.
Sophia is very important to the flow right now. It brings in that "hope" factor. These people need to have some kind of hope, something to keep them fighting and progressing. Right now they still have hope in finding her, but if they don't, or Sophia is actually a walker now, think about what that will do to these people.
Everyone complains about love stories, but this show is trying to be as real as possible. In life most people are always searching for connections and relationships with other people, its just the way it is. And quite honestly, the show has hardly touched on the Lori/Shane saga this season, it could be a lot worse.