Originally Posted by OLS
I liked Season 1 but as most of you stated in the other thread,
the old folks home was a waste of my time, as was the CDC. I know you HAVE to end these shows,
and I know endings are hard, but it ruins the overall fantastic product to end it like some kind of weekly drama.
I disagree. I really like the old folks home and the CDC. Both addressed social aspects that horror-only zombie movies have only hinted at: communities banding together to protect the helpless and, in regards to the CDC, the complex and difficult decision individuals must make when given a choice to end uncertainty and a dismal future by painless suicide or continue in humanity's fight for survival. This same issue was the debate b/w Lori and Rick over Carl's fate. Shane's wacking of Otis in the last episode makes every view ask themselves if the end justifies the means.
I love the suspenseful and horror aspects of the show, but the drama side that brings up questions about society are what puts it over the top in my opinion