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Old 11-03-2011, 06:55 PM   #29
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Re: We Think Lisa's Identity Just Got Stolen and Someone Bought a Car


Sorry to hear, glad you caught it though...

Funny thing about lifelong, you can do everything they do for free, it just takes some work......oh, and the founder had his identity stolen after plastering his SSN all over the place

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Gerard, Lisa signed us up for LifeLock. It was a toss-up between them and Identity Guard. LifeLock is the outfit that ran around with the guy's social security number on the side of the van. I remembered thinking that was pretty cool when I saw it.
I checked all the Consumer Reviews and those two companies were neck and neck. There are four of those types of outfits that are all pretty equal but the top two are the ones I mentioned.
They're about $100-$250 a year, which is a bit painful, but they'll provide us with all the credit reports we need and will monitor our names, address, ssn, everything from here on out.
It can't undo the damage that's been done, but it will halt anything that happend from here on. There's $1,000,000 identity theft insurance included and all sorts of other benefits, too. It's a tremendous service and a real Godsend for us right now.
I can't thank you enough for just mentioning it, it's really gone miles toward putting us at ease.
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