Originally Posted by The Poet
Though the Tar Heel bandwagon is sizable, I really don't want so many hopping on the tailgate that the front end loses steering.  And you're of course right that the Blue Devils won't roll over when they see those North Carolina jerseys on the opposing bench.
Don't worry, I'll be out on the road in front, digging potholes for the powder-blue bandwagon to get lost in...

Also looking forward to see what happens in the Big East, and am wondering just how Big it will be in the near future.
Saw on FoxSports.com that the NCAA has been compared to the mafia. The next story noted that it was a bad comparison, as the mafia did not mind getting their hands dirty when needed, which is quite the opposite of the NCAA. I think I can't get more disgusted with the NCAA, and then I see the story on the stipends. The kids ought to have their own "Occupy" movement, lay down the gameball, and organize their own league.