Originally Posted by Drez
scott good luck to you and lisa with this. i know this can be a very stressful ordeal. hopefully since you caught it early its just a matter of canceling the loan and your current credit cards.
make sure to stay on top of this and monitor all your bank statements and credit reports for at least a year or 2 after this just in case they try something again.
maybe try talking to the DMV and getting lisa (and maybe yourself) new drivers licenses just so if they do try again its more proof that it wasnt you guys (because they used a old DL).
GL brother
Frank, the people used old info. The loan is in her last surname (smith), not our last name. She got her new driver's license immediately after we got married because we needed it to get passports to go on our honeymoon. That all happened last January.
She only lived at this address for a short time under her old name, and the loan is addressed to our current address.
That in itself shows someone didn't do their due diligence along the way, I'd think. Whoever got the loan used expired info, so it had to be info they got from before last January.
That's why I'm thinking it was lifted from one of the hotels she worked at.
Lisa is awesome at paperwork and she's taking this all in stride. Nothing slips through her fingers. She already has this nailed down tight and the loan booklet only showed up an hour and 45 minutes ago.