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Old 11-03-2011, 10:26 AM   #167
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
Hahaha, derh...I tried to post this in the original series thread but it is closed. I work with a guy who said one day
that "You know Rocky's (a co-worker) brother is a famous actor." He rattled off a few movies, but I know he was
not the leads in any of em, so I remained in the dark and didn't really care anyway if I only knew half the story.
Then I went to IMDB and checked out the cast. I need to get on the same page with you guys as you talk about
Shane and Rick and Carl, etc...who is who? AS of last night, I have seen Season 1 Eps. 1 and 2. So I see that Merle
is played by Michael Rooker....I saw the last name and went "ding". So THAT'S who this person is. His brother works
with me. We do not do the same type job, so I only see him a few times a week, but I see the family resemblance now.
Haha, that guy is a great character actor, for sure, lol.
You work with Darrell?!

That dude has mad ninja zombie killing skills!
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