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Old 11-02-2011, 06:30 PM   #1
ZOTL's mmmmm brainssss
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Default Need a 30 minute cigar

Alright everyone, I'm looking for opinions. I am going to give you some details on what I am looking for, and hopefully you all can help me find what I am looking for.

I need something that is going to last me about 30 minutes; I want to be able to smoke at work during my lunch breaks, but I don't want to waste a good cigar by not having enough time.

Ring gauge and length does not matter to me. Wrapper does not either (I like maduros but I have also really enjoyed cameroons too). Also spicy and sweet both work for me, and I think would work for a lunchtime snack.

I would like it to be medium (not mild, and no so full that I have too much of a nic buzz to head back to work).

Price really doesn't matter too much because I will look until I find it on sale.

I'm really trying to find a good everyday short smoke, so there you have it away (please)! Thanks!
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