Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Originally Posted by OLS
I also think he CAN show up again. You don't say "Hey there's a hacksaw in that toolbag" in a scene for nothing.
It opens up too many possibilities, EVEN BEFORE THE GUY TRIPS OVER IT and spills the contents all over while dropping
the handcuff key down a vent pipe. Sure, it could be just a plot device that they chose not to use, but it could come in
handy if they run short of storylines and plot twists. Gonna watch S1 Epi 3-4 tonight.
I think he's definitely comin' back at some point. Each episode I keep lookin' for Merle and the father and son from the 1st episode
"There is true glory and true honor: the glory of duty done, the honor of integrity and principle" - Robert E. Lee