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Old 11-01-2011, 09:37 PM   #154
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Default Re: Walking Dead Season 2

As a historian of the American South, one of the things that I like about the show is that it is based in the most commonly referenced Southern state, Georgia, which leads the show not only to be demonstrative of an American zombie apocalypse, but also how Southern culture would react in particular; which none of the zombie movies to date have dealt with. Yet upon looking up the actors, the actor who plays Rick is from London, Shane is from D.C., Lori has duel citizenship in the US and Canada, and Dale is from Buffalo, NY. Nonetheless the writers and actors have done a good job in my opinion of portraying Southern culture.

Despite the risk of being a nerd, what have y'all thought about the show taking place in the South?

"There is true glory and true honor: the glory of duty done, the honor of integrity and principle" - Robert E. Lee
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