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Old 10-29-2011, 03:14 PM   #1
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Liga Privada 9 52x6

After many recomendations and high marks in reviews, I got my hands on one at the local B&M. From there it sat in my humidor for two weeks and today I unleashed the beast.

This thing looks beautiful. Not much is known about the cigar itself from what I could find, other than it sports a limited quantity Brazilian Oscuro wrapper and the best rollers for Drew are picked for this piece making it an extremely limited product. I would guess it has a Nicaraguan fill.

Upon lighting, it booms...I mean BOOMS smoke. You could flag down a rescue chopper via smoke signals with this thing. Call me nuts but I love that. The visual is just very appealing to me. The aroma is a rich classic cigar tobacco smell. Very nice. The smoke itself is super, super smooth. Not an ounce of harshness. The Flavors are mellow yet pronounced if that's even possible. Tobacco, leather and coffee from start to finish. Not a single burn correction. Slow burn, I got almost 2 hrs out this where most cigars of this size I sample give me 1:15 to 1:30.

Price point ranges from $11 and change at CI to $13 at the local shop. This is the first cigar I've ever had where I came away saying "I'd pay for this regardless of price." I'd gladly pay $20 for this selection, let alone $13 or $11. I've sampled a few cigars over $10 that I said "They're good, but I wouldn't pay this much. I'll take 'em as gifts or in a sampler." Not so with #9. The best cigar I've ever had surplanting the Perdomo Noir. Because of price, I'll smoke the Noir more often. But I will definately make it point to keep a few of these around for the every now and then smoke.
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