Hmmm - Have to say that would be a Mac "Petite Corona Cafe"

...been on a steady roll down slope ever since!
I use to manage a tobacco shop back in 2000, and didn't know much about cigars back then, but they had a small humidor full of dry ones and I chucked out damn near all of them as 'unsellable': Then it was a matter of finding out what to replace them I started sampling cigars on my own (mostly small cigars in tins - Wintermans, Macs, etc), and asking customers what they would like to see in the shop.
Had a few customers from the store with a similar mind-set, and the next thing you know there are 3-4 of us buying & splitting up tins from different local shops over beers & BBQ-pits on the weekends comparing notes.
Grew a small but loyal following in the store over the next 6 months, before I left the company.... Eight years later I came back and bought the store: Now I'm back and trying more bands (got a 300 count chest that's packed full of various sticks, and I'm into some serious tasting both for my own habit & for my customers)... Have to say the best one so far, has been an early 1960's Cuesta Rey (got lucky on a well kept sealed 50 box of those): Smooth is just not enough to describe the it!
Always looking for another stick to try though….and the down slope just keeps on rolling!