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Old 10-26-2011, 06:12 AM   #14
Captain Cannoli
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Default Re: Beeswax to seal humidor

Originally Posted by ApexAZ View Post
The hygrometer is also an area of concern. It feels like it seats in there fairly well, but the hygrometer itself is so crappy that I wonder if I get leaks through the device itself. I may seal around the seam and then plug the holes. It's useless anyways.
They usually are crap. If you want a hygro, get yourself a digital one. I recommend Xikar hygrometers. I would agree that putting a bead of silicone around the hygro opening would be a solid idea.

edit: remember, you dont want the hygro to be completely air-tight. An allowance for some small amount of air exchange is recommended (other than you opening it frequently)

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