Monday night social
Cigar City Florida Cracker (tap)
Jolly Pumpkin La Parcela (tap)
Alaskan Perseverance Ale
The Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout
The Duck-Rabbit Porter
Nebraska Brewing Company Hop God
Hoppin Frog Outta Kilter Wee Heavy Scotch Red Ale
Nectar Ales Black Xantus
Cigar City Hotter Than Helles
Olde Hickory Black Raven IPA
Butternuts Moo Thunder
Rogue XS Imperial Stout (2007 vintage)
Cigar City Bolita Brown( Sea Bass Base)
Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet The Great Pumpkin
De la Senne Equinox Winter Beer
Alpine Beer Company Nelson IPA
Haandbryggeriet Barrel-Aged Porter
Baird Jubilation Ale
Also a couple of Seth's homebrews, a watermelon saison, and a rhubarb beer.
What a way to start the week.