Originally Posted by Bageland2000
I understand everything you're saying. TBH I think if I respond anymore than we are getting dangerously close to a political discussion and I want to avoid that (In the interest of following the forum rules.) I think we both have stated our points to the extent that is necessary on this forum. I see this as something that is set up with the sole purpose of exploiting people, you see it as similar but state that it should be allowed in order to maintain our American freedoms. I'll choose to stop the discussion here in the interest of keeping the spirit of the forums intact (and choose to never order from Famous again.)
Andrew, I don't think we're very far apart on this at all. There's not a point you've made that I disagree with. I'd love to continue the conversation by pm, if you like. Regardless whether we agree completely, I already respect and admire your thoughts on this.
Bottom line, I'd like to not see any of it happening, but I lump it in with all sorts of other business practices I'd like to see go away.
My guess is that once tried in court, penny auctions will be classed as gambling, as they should. Once that happens, that should be the end of it until...
That's where I have to stop before I wax politico.