Initially I thought this was a real rape-job. I'm glad Humberto explained the buy it now function.
If a guy uses the site to try and get something for nothing, he's going to get nothing for something, which is exactly what an intelligent grown-up should expect. The lighter wallet might teach that person a valuable lesson.
If a guy uses the site wisely and has already set his mind on buying the cigars he's bidding on, he can't lose. Famous has always had fair, decent prices. They also have very good and personal customer service that stands head and shoulders above Cigars International.
It's simple to see where the "offset" money will come from. It's going to come from guys who are convinced they can get something for nothing, either motivated by greed or avarice. Or it's going to come from folks who are willing to pay a little money for a bit of gambling "thrill". If that guy enjoys losing his hard-earned money via gambling, then he's gotten exactly the value he was looking for. People like to lose money in lotteries, casinos, card games, whatever. I'm not personally a fan because I'd just as soon light my money on fire and warm my hands than throw it away at a casino, there's no entertainment value in that stuff for me (Thank God). I do understand it though. My wife loves to lose money at the casinos and slots. I play the lottery occasionally, and I love playing poker with the guys, It's fun.
The bottom line is that this thing is not set up as a skinner like most penny auctions. It's got a built in can't lose function with the buy it now option at auction's end.
Actually it has two built-in can't lose functions. Leave it alone and you can't lose a cent. That's what I plan to do, it'll be real easy.