Originally Posted by Doctorossi
I'd like to see the Venn diagram indicating the percentage of Tatuaje customers not interested in the Wolfman- I'd imagine it's pretty miniscule. If this guy thinks "nobody wants the Wolfman", why is he carrying Tatuaje in the first place?
As for the mold, it's a little extra distressing to discover it inside a tubo, though that may indicate a problem further up the distribution chain.
I bet a ven diagram of his customer's wishes and those wanting Wolfmans would be miniscule. 90% of cigar smokers smoke General/Altadis stuff, just want something mild that smokes well, and usually does it when golfing or for some get together. People who really obsess over cigars and chase limited releases are a vast vast minority in the world of cigar smokers. Most of the cigar shops around here carry only a tiny amount of boutique smokes, really only one has a good selection, and they all do just fine. I go to the one with the boutique smokes even though it's a bit farther away because that's what I smoke and it's an all around good shop. But most smokers just don't care.