10-21-2011, 05:16 PM
Captain Cannoli
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Moe
Location: Suffield, CT
Posts: 5,712
Re: How to Freeze and the Science behind it. Long Post
Originally Posted by shilala
A ziplock would work fine.
The point is to protect the cigars from drying out, which the freezer will do a spectacular job of. The bag will protect the cigars from being dried out at all, which is what you want.
Compared to a $150-$250 box of cigars, or a humi full of beetles, a vaccum sealer bag is dirt cheap.
If you want to save on the vacuum bag material, use a big, long sheet to start with. I'm talking 2-3 feet. Once you use it, you just snip off the end and only lose an inch or two of material each time you use it. You can use that same bag literally dozens of times. When it gets too short for boxes, it can be used for loose cigars, all the way down to where there's only a few inches left.
Mind ya, if you vac-seal loose cigars, don't suck the bags real tight. It mashes them. Take my word for it, been there, done that. 
Nice tips Scottie.
Wrapping a box in a couple layers of Saran Wrap will work in a jiff too. I just cris-cross the wrap layers so there is no seam.
"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
"If avoiding the nasty $hit is being a snob, them I am guilty as charged."- Same esteemed philosopher.