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Old 10-20-2011, 04:45 PM   #664
Commander Quan
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

That is the first time I have seen that particular method of filling a pipe. Although it doesn't seem all that different than the Frank Method, I would imagine that the linked method gives you far less tactile feedback to how tightly the tobacco is being filled.

Whatever method you choose to use (try various ones) you want to remember that the tobacco in the bottom of the pipe should be the least dense, and it should gradually get tighter to the top layer. As you gradually get better with the 3 layer, Frank, J.J. Fox, or whatever method you use, you will eventually own your own system for filling pipes that work best for you.

For your initial break in I would stick with a standard ribbon cut, or rubbed out flake tobacco, and try to smoke it as coolly as possible. It's not necessary to smoke only half bowls if you are smoking all the way to the bottom, half bowls are recommended, to get cake to develop in the bottom half of the pipe, but the funny thing about pipe cake and the Tooth Fairy is that they never come when your waiting for them, so just smoke your pipe and enjoy.
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