Thread: The $15 Humidor
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Old 10-19-2011, 12:10 PM   #19
Lonely Raven
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Default Re: The $15 Humidor

Originally Posted by Flynnster View Post
OLS why do you say I will be so unhappy? This was the best I could get in a short time and I will switch to something lower next time I find it. If I find my cigars to moist I will just dry them for a bit.
I find when my cigars are at 70%+, they have a hard time staying lit and burning evenly.

My 65% box, every stick burns very well, and I get huge smoke from it.

Next step, get yourself a bigger tupperwear (you can get them cheap at second hand stores), or just make the jump to a cooler.

Also, keep in mind, if you plan on keeping the sticks in there long term, it helps to have some spanish cedar in there to help "age" the cigars. Plastic obviously doesn't age/mellow cigars at all.

I think ultimately, I'll have a cooler with cedar for long term storage, and a nice 100ct humidor at 65% for "ready to smoke" sticks. As well as a tupperware for infused stuff.
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