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Old 01-01-2009, 08:22 AM   #62
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Default Re: What Joe Cigar won't tell you, and how to figh

Since we are quick to point out the bad deals on Joe how about we point out a good one (price wise, like or dislike of the cigar is all personal taste so let's have that argument in a different thread).

Today’s deal

Man O' War Double Corona - JOE CIGAR PRICE: $29.99
Box price - BOX OF 22: $144 (+8 cigar freebie so that’s 30)

Reg price = $4.80ea. (Includes 8 free cigars)
Joe price = $2.99ea.

That's a savings of $18.10 on the 10 or $54.30 on 30.

That's almost a 38% discount over the sale box price.

Man O' War lovers looks like a good deal for you today

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