Originally Posted by kelmac07
Excellent point frank...policemen/woman are in harms way each and every day on the job. Split second decisions are the difference between life and death.
The video the news played didn't lie (but again, may have only showed one side of the story). Once the 65 year old man came outside, 35 officers in full riot gear chasing him down the street firing pellet bags at him. While the man was running, the cops were WALKING around him while continuing to fire on him. I am an avid supporter of the NNPD and all policeman/woman for that matter. Again, my opinion is that this could have been handled a bit better. 
When things like this happen Mac no one side will every be right. You will always be able to argue the 1001 ways it could have been handled. Like I said only the people who were there would be able to truly know if everything was handled with In reason and to the best of the police ability.
At the end of the day no one got seriously hurt and the street are safe.
Now let's light up a stogie and sit back and relax cause let's face it it's all we can do