Originally Posted by icehog3
Didn't you hear, Mike? It was Leyland's fault. 
I can't blame him for Game 6. Game 5 maybe.
I like 4 of next year's starting rotation: Verlander, Fister, Scherzer, and Porcello.
They need:
1. A 5th starter that is better than Penny, lefty preferred.
2. A starting 2nd baseman
3. A starting 3rd basemen
4. At least one decent reliever who can go more than an inning, lefty would be nice
5. A backup catcher who hits above the Mendoza line and has a decent arm
Any bats they add would preferrably be from the left side or switch. They are too right dominant both at the plate and on the mound. I figure the outfield will be Boesch, Jackson, and Young. If Rayburn could learn how to field at all his bat is good enough to start him. However, I believe he has the worst stats in history for anyone who has started at 2nd base.