Thread: The Wolfman
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Old 10-13-2011, 07:37 AM   #180
Lonely Raven
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Default Re: The Wolfman

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Did you ask him if he was the real Pete Johnson?
I couldn't bring myself to ask. I still don't understand why you guys think there is a fake running around. And besides, the dude is BIG! He was 6'1" and broad shouldered and big armed. OH! I think I realized who he reminds me of!

Jeffery Dean Morgan!

Originally Posted by AlohaStyle View Post
btw, good luck on selling the lighter brother... I've had buyers remorse after events and it's no fun! Not saying you do, but just hoping someone will want that lighter.
I totally have buyers remorse...I just wanted two boxes of Wolfman, one to trade/smoke and one to put in storage for a few years.

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
I'm with Mychal, Ryan and the Admiral. $300 for a $125 lighter with "Tatuaje" on it. Way to go Pete
My feelings exactly. But the odd thing, it seemed like he had nothing to do with the cigars...there were these really pushy used car salesmen types there pushing boxes of tat into peoples arms. I was going to walk away till I saw two of the 4 boxes of Tats get up and sell as I was debating the purchase.

Originally Posted by ktblunden View Post
The requirement to buy the lighter in order to get a dress box is crap, IMO. I think the pricing on those in the first place is beyond ridiculous. I ended up winning the Face set at an event earlier this year and while the lighter is the best torch I've ever used, it's certainly not worth the price they're charging for them. In fact, I would have a hard time paying the $125 the regular Maxijet goes for when it isn't branded.

And yeah, I wouldn't count on being able to recoup that cost on ebay. Maybe in 6 months or so if these are no longer available you might be able to get a decent amount for one, but I wouldn't count on these things selling out. There are still Face sets available.
Funny you mention that. The used car salesmen type pushing the sticks bragged about how the lighter was going to go up by $100 in the next year. And I responded with, "yeah, and that's why The Face lighter is selling on eBay for $200 right now".

But I still bought one. No one said I was smart. Anyone want a lighter?
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