Originally Posted by mariogolbee
I got that email. I changed from blu-ray and streaming to just streaming. I'd quit altogether, but I can stream Netflix on my Mac, laptop, iPod touch, 360, blu-ray player, and 3DS. I can't do all of that with Blockbuster, Amazon Prime, or Hulu. Netflix has enough Star Trek alone to keep me busy for the next year. For the price of one season of Trek I can get them all for a year streaming on a boatload of devices. Why would I change services now?
This is exactly what they're banking on, and they are quite correct that physical media is a dying business model compared to streaming content. The physical media side of their business (DVD & BluRay) will probably be killed off entirely within a year or two due to lack of profitability. Personally I can't imagine why you'd ever want the hassles of dealing with DVD's and BluRay's anyway. It's so much easier and more convenient to just stream and/or download everything. Hell, I bought my BluRay player over 2 years ago now and still have yet to put a disc (DVD or BluRay) in it. In fact I'm not even sure if it works

The next time I take apart the entertainment console it's just getting pulled out and sold full stop.