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Old 10-11-2011, 10:04 AM   #38
Lonely Raven
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

Wow, Rush'n Attack. As a kid that game ate many of the quarters I dug up out of the couch.

This thread is good timing. I was just thinking about building myself a MAME machine as a winter project.

Right out of high school, I had three kick ass jobs. I worked sales/tech in a bike shop, clerk at a Laser Disc store (showing my age, right?), and managed a small arcade in the Chicago suburbs that got to "field test" Midway and Capcom games before they were public release.

Now, with the power of PCs and emulators, I can have 10,000 original, classic games on a laptop, and build a nice arcade grade USB joystick that will play them all!
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