The "cigar clubs" aren't bad if you are starting out or even if you are experienced and enjoy having something diverse sent your way. Usually you break even or a bit ahead on the clubs. You can do better numerically on the samplers if you A) have some idea what to get and B) if you are ok with the limitations. You will get a more diverse sampler in the clubs but pay a little bit more per cigar, while on the other hand, you might save a bit on the samplers but will often get a more narrow range of cigars, and often, these cigars will all be similar or have a common focus. For just starting out and not having anyone to herf with who can give you guidance, direction, advice and, on occasion, cigars, the club isn't a bad deal as it's not just the cigars they send you, they include tasting notes, news and commentary.
For your situation, I'd go with the club. You can always cancel after a few months when you get to a point that you know what you like.