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Old 10-07-2011, 04:24 PM   #366
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Default Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post

I told you what I thought already. $300 waste of money.

This one is slightly better.....

But again, get a damn Strider for like $50-$75 more.

I agree with Wolfman, it's plain and all smooth. I don't see it being used for what it's intended to.

That pivot is weaksauce too. Especially for a knife of that cost. It's supposed to be built like a tank, but instead it fails and will develop blade play if put to any hard use task.

They also look entirely too blocky....I can't imagine that being comfortable.

In the future if they work out a few things I could see them being able to carry a $300 price tag, but not right now.....not when Striders are $50-$75 more and a XM-18 is $100 more.
from what i can find a new strider is 100 more and i cant even find a new xm-18, but used ones are like 600+. If we are going to compare prices its new to new. i dont want someones used knife.

and pivot pin aside, a xm-18 and strider is illegal by length in michigan. I also dont carry a knife for a fashion item. so it being smooth and blocky means nothing to me.

The strider is nice though, the xm-18 is a resounding hell no. I might want to spend some money on a knife but i havent lost my mind.
I spent a lot of my money on booze, cigars, birds and fast cars, the rest I just squandered. -George Best
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