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Old 10-05-2011, 04:47 PM   #28
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Default Re: Worst contract in pro sports

Originally Posted by yachties23 View Post
But when he opted out who extended him for 10 years? Honestly the first contract wasn't so bad, it would be expiring now, and maybe he had 1 or 2 below average years, and won like what 3 MVP awards during the span of that contract, and not one since the extension. The Yankees were bidding against themselves and still have 6 more years left on this deal @ like 25 million a season.

If you get the MVP of the league who hits 40 plus homers, drives in 110 runs, hits .300 plays a solid 3rd base, 25 million a year isn't so bad by baseball standards. If you get a guy who is 40, coming off hip surgery, and not anywhere near as productive as he used to be, oh and you have 6 more years to pay him, than that is a bad contract.

Oh by the way, Kei Igawa is another one that just baffles my mind.
When you look at the ARod contract it hasn't run it's course, so it's hard to call it bad.
You are assuming he's done, but that may or may not be the case.
Granted I don't think he'll ever hit 50 hr with 135rbi again, but 30 100 is not unreasonable for a healthy ARod!
And that's only the on field aspect of the deal
If you start to consider other factors, it gets better.
First off, merchandising.
All those #13 tshirts and jerseys you see, the yanks get a big piece of that.
You also have to consider the ratings bonanza hr # 600 was and how big # 700,715,756 and 763 will be.
Not to mention all the additional memorabilia they will sell in relation to the chase.
Ticket sales, Gate revenue both home and away and brand exposure all go up when Arod is on the team.

For the Yanks, Arod is not a player, he's a commodity!
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Last edited by jonumberone; 10-05-2011 at 04:54 PM.
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