Thread: The Wolfman
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Old 10-05-2011, 02:05 PM   #89
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: The Wolfman

Originally Posted by maninblack View Post
Well it sounds like everywhere I've called is sold out. Looks like I'll have to wait to look in the WTS/WTT forums. Dammit.
It's crazy out there for the dress boxes. My buddy called the one shop that was chosen that is local and they told him he was number 104. So it looks like unless a lot of people back out he is S O L. If you have a local shop that is a Tat dealer I would check them out as the regular dealers I think get a couple dress boxes and a bunch of non dress. I was able to score dress boxes on the Drac and Boris locally from a shop that wasn't chosen pretty late in the game too and I could gotten a dress box of the Face from the same shop too but I had already gotten a dress box from another vendor so I just took a non dress box from my local guy so somebody else would have a chance at getting a dress box since I already had one. Also keep in mind the only reason why I got so lucky on the local shop being they were one of the 13 chosen this year is because I put my name on a reserve list 3 months ago before anyone even knew they would be chosen. I was just hoping to maybe snag one of the few dress boxes they got or worse case scenario a non dress box. Low an behold they came up on the list this year.
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