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Old 10-05-2011, 01:13 PM   #39
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Default Re: Apple Announces iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by MrClean View Post
Bionic. I have the OG Droid and it's been rock solid for almost 2 years. We recently got my wife the Droid 3, she wanted a keyboard because her nails are too long to type accurately on a virtual keyboard, I was scoping out the Bionic and that phone ROCKS!!
just wait.. google is supposed to be announcing a Samsung/Google nexus prime(October 11th at some event). Which will have more development support, new android system and higher hardware specs. It should also support google wallet. Which might be a cool feature.

I have a moto bionic. Although its pretty cool. I liked the droid charge for user friendliness, development friendliness(custom ROMS) and it was lighter. MOTO blur is crap, its locked down like a vault and the phone is built pretty cheaply. IE lots of soft plastic.

As for the topic of the I4S. i think the biggest thing bar none that apple needs to do with the IOS firmware is get flash support. Sure i dont use it ofter but its great not to see broken webpages when i need to.
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