Thread: Adult Softball
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Old 10-05-2011, 06:21 AM   #37
AKA Garryyjr
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Default Re: Adult Softball

I played last night. Man my coed team sucks! Got 20 run ruled again, Making us 0-7. I am in a slump. Through the first 4 games, I was 8 for 9,the next 4 games I am 1 for 9 with 3 walks though. I am hitting dead center, To the warning track on a 300ft field. Just a little to much air under them. I can't seem to get out of the hitting slump.

On the other hand, My fielding has been great. I pitch and play first. Last night, at first, People were pulling my way.. Lots of action and a dive to stop it. The other team thought I was 'real good' so I heard them say. I told them, I'm not that good, I am just having a good game.
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